Andi Gutmans wrote:
> At 11:48 23/03/2002 +0100, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>>   Why not make two tarballs when PHP 4.2.0 gets released? One with the
>>   Zend Engine 1, and the other with the ZendEngine2 branch of /php4 and
>>   Zend Engine 2?
> Good idea.

Some roadmap or plan for the future is needed.

Are we going to maintain module compatibility for both ZE1 and ZE2?

If yes, I would like to see function name, class name and constants name
case sensitivness in PHP5....

AFIAK, user should take a look at thier scripts carefully due to new
name space and object handle, anyway. Most conversion form case
insensitive name to case sensitive name can be done automatically.

Sorry guys. This is the last time to ask for case sensitivity ;)
This may be the last chance for PHP to be case sensitive.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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