At 11:48 23/03/2002 +0100, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
> > It's probably best to base this version on the 4.2.0 branch as the
> > 4.3.0 will probably take some time to be stable due to the huge amount
> > of streams changes.
>   Why not make two tarballs when PHP 4.2.0 gets released? One with the
>   Zend Engine 1, and the other with the ZendEngine2 branch of /php4 and
>   Zend Engine 2?

I just realized that 4.2.0 is planned for the 22nd of April. I was hoping 
to get out something earlier. I think the 4.2.0 branch is good enough. In 
any case there will be a thousands disclaimers that this is just a preview 
version to toy with and not to use it for actual production work.


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