At 12:46 10/04/2002 -0700, brad lafountain wrote:

>--- Andi Gutmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > I still haven't finished reading the looooooong thread on aggregation vs.
> > MI because you guys write so much :)
> > I would like to make a proposal for a solution which I think would fit PHP
> > very nicely.
> > My main concern with MI is that there are many problems with it including
> > namespace clashes and other problems most of you are probably familiar
> > with. I think trying to work around and find solutions for all of these
> > would make a PHP implementation of MI extremely hard to use and would move
> > away from the spirit of PHP which is powerful simplicity.
> > What I have in mind is something similar to aggregation (in the original
> > C++ sense which means a "has a" relationship) but improve it with an
> > auto-proxy mechanism.
> > Basically what I'd like to have is something like:
> >
> > class a aggregates b, c {
> >       ...
> > }
>  I did suggest this method already.

Told you I didn't read all Emails :)

>But it really doesn't address the naming clash
>class b
>  function print()
>  {
>  }
>class c
>  function print()
>  {
>  }
>class a aggregates b, c
>$a = new A();
>you said in the order they were aggregated. but what if i really want to call
>would i do something like this.

I was thinking that we could have an explicit way of calling the right one. 
I do think that this by far the best solution because as I said it's 
extremely simple and it doesn't get us into most of the deep issues the 
other solutions get us into.
I think in real life coding it will work extremely well. For each proposal 
you can find problems.

>and how does this consern serilization. Would it need to be change do 
>which objects are aggregated?

Each object would know which objects it aggregates so I don't see a real 
big problem here. I guess potentially there are always problems when 
serializing nested objects.


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