PHP isn't a compiled language and we aren't going to start adding casting, 
v-tables and so on.
PHP is extremely loosely typed and doing $obj->foo calls the method "foo" 
on $obj. This also allows for things like:
$blah = "foo";
and so on.
I really think that people who are looking for strict typing, v-tables, and 
so on should be looking at languages such as Java, C# and C++. (Although 
each one of these also has their quirks).

Sorry to be so blunt but I don't want to see PHP changed into yet another 
hard to use strongly typed compiled language.
I want to keep its spirit.

At 00:25 11/04/2002 +0300, Lauri Liinat wrote:

> > If you want to access an aggregated object directly you can do:
> > $obj->Timer->method();
>well, that's exactly what shouldn't be done and what polymorphism
>is trying to eliminate... consider a huge code library which operates
>on an object of class Timer and that we want to reuse this library.
>now if we hand it an aggregated object whose method() points to
>the wrong method() we would have to search-and-replace, that is,
>more or less manually change all occurences of ->method(); into
>->Timer->method(); - would you say this is feasible?? the whole
>idea of polymorphism is to allow both implicit reuse and implicit
>growth of code base. if a technique that is supposed to head towards
>code reuse requires a single implicit call to be manually hunt down and
>changed into an explicit one, then it's quite useless i'd say... having MI
>and casts you would simply:
>big_hairy_library_call( (Timer) $MI_obj );
>...and be done with it. as a bonus, you get to sleep the whole night
>instead of searching-and-replacing text in somebody else's library
>till the early morning... nothing personal, just trying to provide a 
>scenario :)
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