> If you want to access an aggregated object directly you can do:
> $obj->Timer->method();

well, that's exactly what shouldn't be done and what polymorphism
is trying to eliminate... consider a huge code library which operates
on an object of class Timer and that we want to reuse this library.
now if we hand it an aggregated object whose method() points to
the wrong method() we would have to search-and-replace, that is,
more or less manually change all occurences of ->method(); into
->Timer->method(); - would you say this is feasible?? the whole
idea of polymorphism is to allow both implicit reuse and implicit
growth of code base. if a technique that is supposed to head towards
code reuse requires a single implicit call to be manually hunt down and
changed into an explicit one, then it's quite useless i'd say... having MI
and casts you would simply:

big_hairy_library_call( (Timer) $MI_obj );

...and be done with it. as a bonus, you get to sleep the whole night
instead of searching-and-replacing text in somebody else's library
till the early morning... nothing personal, just trying to provide a scenario :)


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