On 10/04/02, "Marcus Börger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 23:25 10.04.2002, Lauri Liinat wrote:
> > > If you want to access an aggregated object directly you can do:
> > > $obj->Timer->method();
> >big_hairy_library_call( (Timer) $MI_obj );
> Where is the big difference (first is postfix syntax, second is prefix syntax).
> And as we have no typesystem we cannot use typecasting but another solution.

The problem is that if $MI_obj is_a Timer, $MI_obj->Timer isn't the
correct thing to do.
I still think we need an "as" operator to perform this casting, or
a "has_as" operator/function so that an as operator could be coded
as a function.


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