On 21 May 2002 08:46:54 +0200, Stig S. Bakken wrote:

>On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 08:13, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>>   I think we should make '--with-zlib' the default, and add
>>   '--disable-zlib', for the PHP 4.3.0 release, since the PEAR Installer
>>   relies on it.
>It's not supposed to, I've added "nocompress" options everywhere needed,
>so it should work just fine without zlib:

I could have sworn that I got an error message some days ago when
using PEAR on a pretty recent PHP version without zlib, but I
may be wrong..

>Even if you enable zlib by default, PHP does not bundle zlib, it would
>not be available on every system, and the installer would have to
>support uncompressed packages anyway.

But it does not do any harm if we enable it by default, no? Additionally
we would also save some bandwidth then. (Yes, I know that most PEAR
packages are < 20 KB :-).

- Martin

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