On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 08:54, Martin Jansen wrote:
> On 21 May 2002 08:46:54 +0200, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
> >On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 08:13, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
> >>   I think we should make '--with-zlib' the default, and add
> >>   '--disable-zlib', for the PHP 4.3.0 release, since the PEAR Installer
> >>   relies on it.
> >
> >It's not supposed to, I've added "nocompress" options everywhere needed,
> >so it should work just fine without zlib:
> I could have sworn that I got an error message some days ago when
> using PEAR on a pretty recent PHP version without zlib, but I
> may be wrong..
> >Even if you enable zlib by default, PHP does not bundle zlib, it would
> >not be available on every system, and the installer would have to
> >support uncompressed packages anyway.
> But it does not do any harm if we enable it by default, no? Additionally
> we would also save some bandwidth then. (Yes, I know that most PEAR
> packages are < 20 KB :-).

Oh, I don't mind enabling zlib by default, maybe I got too caught up in
explaining why this wouldn't solve the problem completely. ;-)  +1 on
enabling zlib by default, but the "disable" option should be

Anyway, if we want to save bandwidth, there should be both bz2 files
available too.  Does the bzip2 extension work in Windows?

 - Stig

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