On Thu, 30 May 2002, brad lafountain wrote:

> I personally will take responsiblity for bundling and upgrading it.


Nothing personal (so please don't take it that way), but in my opinion
this isn't a good enough assurance.  Historically you will see people
come and people go with Open Source development, and while you have a lot
of free time to do this now, N months from now will you?

As Rasmus stated earlier the reason the MySQL stuff is bundled is due to
an assurance from the MySQL developers to keep it updated.  They know
their code inside and out.  I'm not familiar with what you do or don't
know, or what development you're active in either.  Unless you were/are an
active developer on the libxml code, the ability to introduce bugs
completely dependent to the PHP bundle is increased considerably due to
bad merges.

I really see little to no advantage to this bundling yet.  Only
increasingly more reasons not to do this.

Dan Kalowsky                    "The record shows, I took the blows.
http://www.deadmime.org/~dank    And did it my way."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         - "My Way", Frank Sinatra

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