I don't think a dictator is needed.  Even if I or someone else was to
dictate that PHP was a web-only scripting language, do you really think
that people would stop working on and using PHP for other things?

We can, and should, be able to reach concensus on these various issues.
And we definitely need to stay open-minded and not rule out things just
because it doesn't show up in some roadmap somewhere.  Case in point, the
IActiveScript hack.  One thing you would think is marked in stone is that
PHP is a server-side language and it would never end up sitting alongside
Javascript embedded in a browser as a client-side language.  Yet it can
now do this.

People are going to take PHP where they think it should go.  A roadmap
marked in stone is going to alienate people and make them less likely to
go exploring down roads that whoever wrote the roadmap didn't think of.
It leads to forking of the project, which in itself isn't bad, but it is
cooler if we can hold things together and work as a group to accomodate
the various ideas and approaches in a somewhat organized manner.


On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Jani Taskinen wrote:

>     It seems that the discussions recently go around this
>     same hot potato (under many different topics):
>     Missing vision and people standing behind it.
>     There are lot of different visions how PHP should
>     evolve or not. Two major disagreements seem to be
>     the environment where PHP is used (Web vs. everywhere) and
>     cleanlyness/consistency (magic_quotes..CS..register_globals..etc.).
>     Maybe if there was a sort of formal vision/roadmap/whatever
>     'carved in a stone' by the leading developers (the group?),
>     we wouldn't have to get into these obviously endless debates
>     what should be done and not..shortly: we need a dictator! :)
>     For Andi's sake, I'm trying to keep this mail short. :)
>     --Jani
>     (Sebastian tried to ask for this same thing before?
>     Did I miss the reply to that mail?)
> --
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