At 18:45 20/08/2002, Brad LaFountain wrote:

>First of all I wanna just say that I'm just stating my opnion. You seem to be
>getting angry. Im not trying to say your wrong and I'm right. Please don't 
>it like that.

I'm not angry at all :)

>  Obvisouly we all have our own opnion I wanted to state mine not get in a big
>argument about this. I do see your point, as a zend2 advocate, and im sure you
>see mine too, as a php user who wants debug_backtrace. So what to do, do you
>just call the shots or do we have an offical vote?

I've never been keen on votes since we don't have any rules of voting 
anyway.  It's Thies's call, I'll live with either call.  I just hope that 
if this feature finds itself in 4.x, this lengthy thread will at least 
prevent other features from being backported.


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