On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Tit "Black" Petric wrote:

> correct me if i am wrong, but with $_SESSION you dont even need to have
> session_register() anymore, as for the behaviour of session_register(), if
> it held up to the latest php version, i dont see any sense of changing its
> functionality now, it's a less logical step than to encourage people to use

There is nothing wrong with encouraging, but that does not mean you can 
break thousands of scripts because it's better to use $_SESSION :)

> personally i think session_register() should have been removed after the
> creation of $_SESSION, but i see the logics in backwards compatibility, but
> for the future of php (php5.0.0) maybe some functions like this one should
> acctually be removed in favour of $_SESSION addressing.

Removing is not an option of course, or can we direct all usesr with 
questions to you? :)



 Derick Rethans                                   http://derickrethans.nl/ 
 JDI Media Solutions
--------------[ if you hold a unix shell to your ear, do you hear the c? ]-

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