> I am assuming this documentation was not written recently since it talks
> about track_vars and there is no way to turn off track_vars today.  And

    You are right -- it was not written recently.  The semantics
    of the session module have not changed since then though.  If
    a bug temporarily made something possible which should not
    have been, well, that is bad luck.

    I'm still considering bug compatibility with 4.2, if readding
    that behaviour is not too difficult or introduces other bugs.

> since it isn't new and the code up until now did not enforce the
> restriction of only using track vars, then I don't see how you can say
> that this documentation was ever an accurate reflection of what the code
> actually did.

    This bug/feature we are talking about does not work since
    this commit and has been killed further by successive commits.

    revision 1.81
    date: 2002/08/15 21:44:44;  author: zeev;  state: Exp; lines: +19 -9
    Make unset($_SESSION['foo']) actually remove the variable from the session,
    if register_globals is off.

    Now, please choose which bug you prefer -- from my point of
    view, a symmetric way of accessing session variables is the
    way to go.  The documentation has always stated that for
    register_globals=off you would need to use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS
    (or $_SESSION), respectively.

    - Sascha

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