> > I am assuming this documentation was not written recently since it talks
> > about track_vars and there is no way to turn off track_vars today.  And
>     You are right -- it was not written recently.  The semantics
>     of the session module have not changed since then though.  If
>     a bug temporarily made something possible which should not
>     have been, well, that is bad luck.
>     I'm still considering bug compatibility with 4.2, if readding
>     that behaviour is not too difficult or introduces other bugs.

Are you sure it was only 4.2?  I seem to remember seeing similar code in

My main concern here is breaking BC.  Code that worked in 4.2 and likely
earlier versions as well will now break.  If we do decide to break this
code, and that may be the right decision, we need to be very clear about
what we are breaking and shout it from the rooftops in the release


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