Do you think strlen() is actually called that often?  And isn't it a
relatively quick function as it is?  Just seems like you are optimizing a
function that isn't actually called that often and when it is called
having a 25% speedup on a function that takes a tiny fraction of the
overall execution time isn't going to be noticeable.

I wouldn't be against perhaps opcoding some functions, just not sure
strlen() would be my first candidate.


On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Andrei Zmievski wrote:

> I've made a small patch that turns strlen() into a statement executed by
> the engine instead of a function. The reasoning is that something that
> integral should probably be in the engine. I haven't done hard
> benchmarking but it seems to improve performance of that particular
> piece of code by about 25%. Feedback is welcome.
> -Andrei                             
> * "UNIX, isn't that some archaic form of DOS?" - our job applicant *

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