ODBTP can be used for the purpose you described.  Although I have not used
it with file-based databases, it should not be a problem.  The  only
requirement is that the ODBC drivers must be thread safe if it will be
accessed by multiple clients.  This, of course, will be the case it it is
used on the web.

As I stated in my previous reply, I have not dealt with  Win32 based PHP,
which is what I assume you are using with IIS.  However, the ODBTP client
library, which was written in C, can be compiled on a Win32 platform with
VC++.  You can then use this library to build CGI programs or COM objects
(that should be fun).  It probably would be less painful to determine what
is needed to compile the ODBTP extension on a Win32 platform.

What is your level of expertise in regards to the above?

-- bob

> The reason for not installing the ODBC drivers on the webserver is that
> database referenced by the drivers are simply on-disk files (ie, no socket
> communication involved). We would need to allow SMB traffic through our
> firewall if we were to use the ODBC drivers on the webserver, which is
> something I'm not prepared to do. I don't mind allowing a single, non-MS
> port through the firewall tho.

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