|>    And how about that we change PHP so that it changes
|>    the status of the response to 500 on a fatal error? Then
|>    you would be able to use the Apache directive
|>    ErrorDocument 500 /handle-my-errors.php
|>    to deal with them. You would have to use output buffering,
|>    of course, but using output buffering is the only way to
|>    shield your users from errors anyway.
|+1 !!
|Why didn't anyone think of this before? :)

A couple of problems with that:

1) No way for handle-my-errors.php to know the details of the error such
as errorcode, file, etc)
2) Relies on the web server (not PHP) to re-direct the user to another

If we are willing to do this, think we're better off creating a
directive error_url which requires output buffering enabled and
re-directs the user to another URL with GET parameters containing the
error messages.


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