After all the decision what about an ini directive that
makes it possible to send back another file that contains
the error message?

That would be something like apaches ability to direct some
errors to some special pages. The main problem would be
how to pass the error information to that script.

To overcome such problems i would suggest we'd allow just
a simple text file (non php interpreted) and just log the error.


At 14:21 18.11.2002, Derick Rethans wrote:
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, John Coggeshall wrote:

> >uhm, John, we dont have a E_PARSE yet.
> It's late... I actually stared at that sentence for about 30 seconds
> trying to determine if I had spelled PARSE wrong... Then I actually went
> and checked the manual to make sure I hadn't lost my mind and there was
> actually a E_PARSE constant... Now I'm just confused as to what the heck
> your talkin' about Derick :)

hmm, I really thought we didn't have one, as it doesn't make sense at
all :)

> >I stil see not why you would want to handle PARSE errors
> >gracefully. If
> >a user has broken code it should not even be on a production box. Bad
> >code -> dead site.
> Can't argue about broken code not being a production box. However,
> dealing with errors in code cleanly (regardless of the problem) is more
> than just an internal PHP problem. Having a solid way to gracefully
> bow-out because my cat managed to open, fill with junk, and save a
> critical include file would just be nice. The choice between the blank
> screen, or a nasty error message isn't a good one... I'd personally love
> to have a "sorry, our site is hosed" error page... If for nothing else
> then piece of mind...

Your cat knows your passwords? :) Anyway, you can always use the
error_append_string and error_prepend_string for this. (by putting <!--
in prepend_string and --> in append string for example).



 Derick Rethans                         
 JDI Media Solutions
--------------[ if you hold a unix shell to your ear, do you hear the c? ]-

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