> Whereas assuming that PHP users are too stupid to understand english is
> not at all arrogant? :)

    Wrong, Sterling.  Beginning PHP users might neither have
    formal education in computer science _nor_ foreign languages.
    The reason here is not about intellect; it is about requiring
    certain knowledge.  Presuming that someone else must speak
    your language is quite self-centered.

    Alas, if your view was correct (users must understand
    English), then we could just scrap the whole translation
    effort.  I don't think that it's realistic.

> What you're missing is that currently to program PHP, you need a reasonable
> understanding of english.

    I don't think so.  The translations of the PHP manual do a
    fine job at relaying all necessary information about
    programming in PHP to speakers of foreign languages.

> Educate users to speak the base amount of english required, I18N'ing the
> language is just going to lead to headaches from a user perspective
> (incorrect translations, slower performance, translations for english speakers)

    The performance is negligible -- error messages are displayed
    during the development phase, not in a production
    environment where run-time behaviour is important.

    The "incorrect translations" argument applies to all
    translations, regardless where and when they are displayed.
    Online translations can be centrally maintained, of course,
    which is an advantage.  This can be addressed by providing
    stand-alone message catalogues which can be downloaded by

> and a developer perspective (having to lookup tokens, understanding another
> language, getting bug reports with horrible error messages).
> The whole i18n thing can be solved by just listing the translations of
> the error codes on the doc page, let's do that, instead of bloating the
> PHP infrastructure.

    Frankly, so far the discussion has been primarily
    developer-focused, which is not too surprising.  The
    developers are rarely exposed to support requests from
    newbies in various non-English forums.

    If PHP is supposed to become easier to use, then native
    language error messages would be a big hit.

    - Sascha

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