On November 25, 2002 10:57 pm, George Schlossnagle wrote:
> On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 10:43  PM, Ilia A. wrote:
> > On November 25, 2002 10:30 pm, George Schlossnagle wrote:
> >> There is no proposed patch to affect all these changes.  There are
> >> fine
> >> ways to print errors that don't necessitate having them loaded at run
> >> time.  They could be in a dbm file, or even a flat file hierarchy and
> >> loaded on demand.  This would not be as fast as a hash table, but when
> >> you're actually printing errors, a slight overhead seems acceptable
> >> (to
> >> me, ymmv)
> >
> > If we were talking about a one time script that is execute and forget
> > then you
> > are absolutely right. But what about if a web server enviroment where a
> > child/thread can remain in memory indefinitely. Or a web hosting
> > enviroment
> > where the admin has no control over the script of the users, loading &
> > (unloading?) of the error messages database will add overall overhead
> > non the
> > less.
> dbm lookups are fast, as are (to a lesser extent) file system lookups.
> Neither consume any process memory.  Neither require an entire database
> to be loaded, simply to have the entry looked up in them.

Nearly any singular operation is fast, the question is what happens when it is 
done often. For a database stored on disk we are talking at least 2-3 drive 
seeks + reading of meta information at the start of the database. While it 
may be negligible for a single process it does add up. Given that this done 
rarely (hopefuly) it would not result in major performance loss, however 
there will be a performance loss non the less.

> Well, fortunately, this being an open-source project this burden need
> not lie with you if you don't want it to.

I dislike the idea because I believe this idea is going to make PHP more 
confusing and ultimately harder to use, which is the exact opposite of what 
this change attempts to accomplish. Fortunately this being an open-source 
project it is also possible to make your own version free of bloat :)


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