> Yeah I know that shady guy Shane.

Heh. He is shady, isn't he? ;)

> Well, it's defintly experimental. There are bindings for 
>opengl and glut. You can run some sample apps that use the 
>glut api. Its pretty cool. Me and Marcus were working on off 
>screen redndering with OSMesa. That would allow you to render 
>a scene without needing to display it somewhere, caputre the 
>content and spit it out as an image. That worked pretty 
>decent, it worked on windows but i had issues with it running 
>under linux. It could reneder a sceen and spit out a png. I 
>remember Andrei told me that there were issues using the api 
>with gtk-opengl but im sure they could be addressed.

My thoughts on it were exactly where you are going with it. However, why
do you need OSMesa in order to do off-screen renderings? It would seem
to me you should be able to render directly to a backbuffer and copy the
bitmap into a GD buffer... Or am I missing something?


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