For what it's worth, I am in agreement with Derick... Consistency is

Besides... A rose is still a rose, even if it's called
sweet_smelling_flower ;)

>OK, I will admit the '_' is then OK, but I rather do not use 
>it in this case, since I would like to use that for a more 
>session oriented 


>As an example:
>$sess_v1 = snmp_session(1, "localhost:161", "public");
>$sess_v3 = snmp_session(3, "otherhost:161", "username", "seclevel",
>                            "auth_protocol", "auth_passphrase",
>                            "priv_protocol", "priv_passphrase");
>$vara = snmp_get($sess_v1, "sysUpTime.0");
>$varb = snmp_get($sess_v3, "sysUpTime.0");
>>     Abbreviations should not be used when they greatly decrease the
>>     readability of the function name itself.
>>     Good:
>>     'mcrypt_enc_self_test'
>>     'mysql_list_fields'
>> ...
>> [2] If they are part of a "parent set" of functions, that 
>parent should
>>     be included in the user function name, and should be 
>clearly related
>>     to the parent program or function family. This should be 
>in the form
>>     of parent_*.
>>     A family of 'foo' functions, for example:
>>     Good:
>>     'foo_select_bar'
>>     'foo_insert_baz'
>>     'foo_delete_baz'
>> ...
>> [5] Variable names should be in lowercase.  Use underscores 
>to separate
>>     between words.
>> more of all, it's common practise with all extensions. If you find 
>> some which do not adhere to this standard, then there was taken into 
>> account a BC problem.
>For that alias could have been made to assist people in a 
>migration phase.
>>  This is not the case with new functions, like you added,
>> and thus they should stick to the guide lines.
>I do not see any problem with the usage of 'v3'.
>>>>  As those
>>>> are new functions I propose to change them to the following, to be
>>>> more
>>>> consistent with all other functions:
>>>> snmpv3get      -> snmp3_get
>>>> snmpv3walk     -> snmp3_walk
>>>> snmpv3realwalk -> snmp3_real_walk (or snmp3_walk_oid)
>>>> snmpv3set      -> snmp3_get
>>> I have mentioned this some time ago already on the list. (See 
>>> archive) I believe it is way easier for people to recognise the 
>>> SNMPv3 version by people with the current naming. On top of that I 
>>> can understand all of your concerns, but it is my opinion 
>we have to 
>>> think what is the easiest for the users/programmers of PHP.
>> the proposed names are much more readable, and they follow the oci8_ 
>> convention of only using the verison number, the 'v' in your names 
>> don't add anything useful.
>I think it will create confusion when I am done with the new 
>more session oriented approach. That I believe is neither 
>something needed if can be avoided.
>>> IMHO, the current naming refers quite clearly to SNMP version 3 or 
>>> SNMPv3. Many people know this version of the protocol as SNMPv3. I 
>>> beleive that the original functions did neither have an '_' 
>>> character. Why is that required suddenly??
>> Backward compatibility for those. Maybe you noticed that we 
>added some 
>> aliases to other extensions because of this, but the snmp extension 
>> was left alone in that. AFAIK, changing or aliasing names is on the 
>> PHP 5 todo.
>So, are you saying you should have renamed them all and 
>keeping an alias for the BC??
>>> (This states more or less the same opinion as expressed last time)
>>> I also would like to mention that I am looking into the usage of an 
>>> SNMP-session creation and then use a single variable to provide all 
>>> SNMP-session info in a single variable for the 'data retrieval' 
>>> functions. Therefore, I would like to reserve the use of the 
>>> underscore and then without a version number.
>> As long as you don't break BC it's fine with me.
>That is why I would like to keep it as is and how I propose 
>it. It would be less confusing for PHP-coders. But I know this 
>is a personal opinion.
>>>> also, there is no need to introduce an alias for a newly created 
>>>> function so I guess we just should drop it.
>>> I have created a similar set of functions as exist for SNMPv1. That 
>>> includes the alias. That makes it easier for existing scripts to be 
>>> updated with the new security featres of SNMPv3.
>> We only add aliases if it is absolutely necesary, which is 
>really not 
>> the case here.
>>>> I'd like to make those proposed changes ASAP as they are 
>also added 
>>>> in the PHP_4_3 branch which gets closer to release everyday.
>>> Personally, I do not prefer and like the name change suggested.
>>> The name snmp3_ looks to me quite weird, since the world knows this 
>>> as SNMPv3. Therefore, the use of snmpv3 is preferred.
>> yeah, and oci is really called oraclecinterface, so let's fix that 
>> too!
>You also could have named it with the 'o' prefix.
>Do I have to laugh here??
>>> I am even tending to give it a -1, but there is not 
>technical reason. 
>>> But there is neither a good technical reason in favour of the name 
>>> change.
>> It has little to do with a techincal reason, but more of a logical 
>> one. As all functions in PHP extensions follow the same 
>nameing style 
>> this makes it easier for users to work with it; that's the main 
>> concern here, and that's why I'd like to change the names.
>I am now really curious as what is seen as easier to work 
>with?? In to many cases I have seen that 'easier' is dictated 
>by the developers of the tools. In this case the C-coders not 
>the PHP coder/developer.
>Author of MOD-SNMP, enabling SNMP management of Apache HTTP server
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