On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Harrie Hazewinkel wrote:

> > [1] Function names for user-level functions should be enclosed with in
> >     the PHP_FUNCTION() macro. They should be in lowercase, with words
> >     underscore delimited, with care taken to minimize the letter count.
> OK, I will admit the '_' is then OK, but I rather do not use it in this
> case, since I would like to use that for a more session oriented 
> functions.
> As an example:
> $sess_v1 = snmp_session(1, "localhost:161", "public");
> $sess_v3 = snmp_session(3, "otherhost:161", "username", "seclevel",
>                             "auth_protocol", "auth_passphrase",
>                             "priv_protocol", "priv_passphrase");
> $vara = snmp_get($sess_v1, "sysUpTime.0");
> $varb = snmp_get($sess_v3, "sysUpTime.0");

Why didn't you introduce this right away then, if this would be the 
recommend way then we don't even need the snmpv3* functions.

> > more of all, it's common practise with all extensions. If you find some
> > which do not adhere to this standard, then there was taken into account
> > a BC problem.
> For that alias could have been made to assist people in a migration
> phase.

but adding an alias, because there was an alias for another function 
just doesn't compute to me.

> >  This is not the case with new functions, like you added,
> > and thus they should stick to the guide lines.
> >
> I do not see any problem with the usage of 'v3'.

I do.

> >> IMHO, the current naming refers quite clearly to SNMP version 3
> >> or SNMPv3. Many people know this version of the protocol as SNMPv3.
> >> I beleive that the original functions did neither have an '_'
> >> character. Why is that required suddenly??
> >
> > Backward compatibility for those. Maybe you noticed that we added some
> > aliases to other extensions because of this, but the snmp extension was
> > left alone in that. AFAIK, changing or aliasing names is on the PHP 5
> > todo.
> So, are you saying you should have renamed them all and keeping
> an alias for the BC??

Actually, yes. But there are no aliases needed for the new functions of 

> >> I also would like to mention that I am looking into the usage
> >> of an SNMP-session creation and then use a single variable to
> >> provide all SNMP-session info in a single variable for the
> >> 'data retrieval' functions. Therefore, I would like
> >> to reserve the use of the underscore and then without a version
> >> number.
> >
> > As long as you don't break BC it's fine with me.
> That is why I would like to keep it as is and how I propose it.
> It would be less confusing for PHP-coders. But I know this is
> a personal opinion.

argh, how can hardly readable functoin names be _more_ confusing then 
nicely readable function names?

> >> I am even tending to give it a -1, but there is not technical
> >> reason. But there is neither a good technical reason
> >> in favour of the name change.
> >
> > It has little to do with a techincal reason, but more of a logical one.
> > As all functions in PHP extensions follow the same nameing style this
> > makes it easier for users to work with it; that's the main concern here,
> > and that's why I'd like to change the names.
> I am now really curious as what is seen as easier to work with??
> In to many cases I have seen that 'easier' is dictated by the
> developers of the tools. In this case the C-coders not the
> PHP coder/developer.

But not thinking of users is kinda weird, and I like an example of your 
statement that 'easier' is dedicated by the developers as I can't think 
of one.



 Derick Rethans                                 http://derickrethans.nl/ 
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