> "evolution" is not an excuse here. We want to use PHP on the
> command line and many people will do also. And we make the
> command line usage as easy as possible. Even if that requires
> some mauals being updated and marking some bug reports as
> bogus.
> marcus

If you really want to easy shell access to php on windows you can provide a
batch script for startup ("php-cli %1"). To save even more keystrokes, call
this script p.bat and let it guess the file extension of the script
itself("php-cli %1.php"). Like this you would have to type

p index

instead of

php index.php

and you'd save 6 more keystrokes - even without a bc break.

If you provide (a more advanced version of) this script with the win32
distribution as php.bat, everybody has what s(he) wants/needs.

Or is this really a philosophical question?


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