At 20:35 09.12.2002, Christoph Grottolo wrote:
> "evolution" is not an excuse here. We want to use PHP on the
> command line and many people will do also. And we make the
> command line usage as easy as possible. Even if that requires
> some mauals being updated and marking some bug reports as
> bogus.
> marcus

If you really want to easy shell access to php on windows you can provide a
batch script for startup ("php-cli %1"). To save even more keystrokes, call
this script p.bat and let it guess the file extension of the script
itself("php-cli %1.php"). Like this you would have to type

p index

instead of

php index.php

and you'd save 6 more keystrokes - even without a bc break.

If you provide (a more advanced version of) this script with the win32
distribution as php.bat, everybody has what s(he) wants/needs.

Or is this really a philosophical question?

Seems so :-)

        If i want to use php on the command line i expect to call php.

But then the problem seems to be the administrators :-(

        When installing a sapi for a web server i do it once and every time i
update it i look if i have to change something in the setup - even file names.
And  before updating anything i test the stuff on a non production system.
Therfore i do not see any administrator having a problem with renaming the
cgi version. Only unexpirienced admins not following above rules will put
themselves into trouble. But these can be helped and hopefully they learn
that on next upgrade schedule they RTFM. People only experimenting without
regard to manuals or with regard to outdated manuals are used to such problems.

And then: why the hell do i write manual pages?


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