On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Dan Kalowsky wrote:
> Cutting down on the list of receipients here...
> Philip please do not put this paragraph into the documentation.  If 
> there is any sure fire way to ensure that the latest version of PHP 
> WON'T be installed on a system... it's to encourage end users to 
> contact their system administrator.

  Just FYI, I never intended to put that anywhere, it was more
  of a point to show how bad this can be.  A support nightmare
  is to encourage sysadmins to name the binaries whatever they
  feel like, with no set standard.  This sounds like PHP 4.3.0

  I have no solution except that whatever decision is made can
  be implemented in 4.3.0.  PHP 4.3.0 can wait an additional 
  month or three.  I see no reason why 4.3.0 should be pushed
  out the door just so 4.3.1 can implement this MAJOR change.

  It sounds like the two will be combined again, if so, make
  it so in PHP 4.3.0 please.  Same goes for if it's decided
  to keep the two separate.  Let the new RC series begin! :)

  Philip Olson


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