On January 15, 2003 10:14 am, Adam Wright wrote:
> Agreed in general. And whilst I'm here can I throw in my 2c about "Bogus"?
> Although an accurate description, it's hardly likely to be perceived as
> friendly. If you've taken the time to report a bug, even if you are in
> error, having it thrown back as "Bogus" seems pretty mean. How about a less
> antagonistic wording? I'd put forward something like "NotaBug", which gives
> the same information without putting people's backs up.

"NotaBug" or similar may lead to confusion. Quite often the issue may indeed 
be a bug, however it is not a bug in PHP and is therefor bogus. By marking 
such a bug report "NotaBug" may lead to confusion.
IMO bogus is a fairly accurate representation of what the 'bogus' bug reports 
are, it is no more or less friendly then other bug status and is only a 
problem (less 'friendly') if you choose to make it such.


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