> On January 15, 2003 10:27 am, Adam Wright wrote:
> > Last ditch effort of "NotAPHPBug"? ;)
> This too may not be a correct solution all the time. Consider
> 75th duplicate
> report of an invalid or even a resolved bug report. It may have
> been a bug at
> some point, but certainly is not anymore. It is bogus, because
> the user chose
> not to search in the bug database for similar reports before
> posting their
> report. Surely you can agree that such a report is bogus.
> I suppose we could introduce a dozen different more 'friendly'
> statuses to
> replace the existing bogus status, but why? Surely not for the purpose of
> making users who don't do the necessary research before posting their bug
> reports feel better about themselves.

The wording could be something like "NotValidBug" or something like that. I
think the issue that Adam is bringing up is that "Bogus" has a derogatory
connotation. Changing it doesn't necessarily make users who don't do
necessary research before posing feel better about themselves, but it may
make people more willing to report actual bugs in the future.

Look, I'm not on the QA team and ultimately, what makes it easiest and most
worthwhile for you guys to find and fix bugs is the best thing to do. But I
can easily see how a well-meaning person who might be new to PHP might
report what they think is a bug, have their bug report closed with "This
isn't a bug." with the status changed to "Bogus", and take that as a big fat
"Go away. PHP doesn't welcome you."

Maybe their report was a bug in something else (like that XML bug that was
discussed recently) or maybe they didn't make themselves clear enough in
their report. Derick's suggestion of making sure that the reason why the bug
is Bogus is included in the discussion help with this. But it's pretty easy
for someone to get discouraged by a curt dismissal and then not offer help
in the future.

If you guys are inundated with bogus bugs, then perhaps this is all moot. I
can just see how easy it might be for someone who isn't an initiate to get a
bad taste in their mouth for PHP by an unfortunate interaction with the bug


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