We'll see who reads this, any responses are welcome.

I see a few different issues here:

1) People who want answers for a php-general message post it to the
development forum. This is clearly because they do not understand the
difference, as I doubt anyone wants to waste their own time posting a
message to a forum that refuses to answer the question. 

2) Those who know exactly what this forum is for, and for whatever
reason the core team doesn't want or otherwise consider their
contributions to the discussion. Something like Catchable parse errors,
maybe? :)

I agree with the opinion that more clearly defining what exactly this
list is for will solve issue #1, however #2 is what I think is the real
problem here (isn't it?) I don't see the point in pulling punches when
it comes to why the core developers want to moderate the list.. 

I don't claim to have the end-all answer to this problem, but I know
that many people who sign on this list probably fall into one of the

A) They are simplying following along in discussions because they need
to or are curious what is in store for the future

B) They are truly interested in contributing real things, but aren't as
experienced with the internals of PHP/Zend as the core team so their
suggestions / code is insufficient to meet the stanards set by the core

C) The core team or other signficiant contributors.

This might not be a complete list, but things like this never are. In
any case, moderating this list would end up completely alientating
everyone but those who are "significant developers". How does one become
a significant developer at that point? People who are learning will
always ask questions that can be considered stupid by someone more
experienced... Unless someone who is experienced is around to answer
them and respond to this "noise", how will anyone learn?

Maybe I'm completely off-track here, but it's just a thought where I
could take a moment to make fun of my own idea. :)


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