>From the outside looking in, because I honestly can't find it in myself 
right now to be a bigger part of the PHP community, here's my two cents.
Paul is a smart guy, and you could probably call him rather stubborn.  His 
opinions are strong and he lets people know it.  In reading some of his 
posts, I honestly get some of the same feelings others have expressed of me 
in how I communicate online sometimes; that I'm a bit abrasive, only see 
things one way, want things done a specific way, am not open to arguments 
or opinions another way, etc.  In general though, I don't think Paul's 
actions have malicious intent.

I do think though that the perceived issues with his personality might 
warrant the two parties (Paul and FIG) taking a break from one another. 
 It's obvious there are folks here who think Paul's involvement is more 
disruptive than productive, and to some extent I can't disagree with that 
opinion.  I don't think Paul or Aura/Solar/whatever-he-represents need to 
be voted out of FIG.  A temporary suspension, perhaps, only to enforce the 
suggested break.

This might not earn a lot of popularity points, but in some ways when 
reading Paul's online posts you kind of need to grow some thick skin, in 
part because of his strong opinions and manner of communication.  At the 
same time though, I feel like Paul could tone it down a notch to convey 
what he wants to without causing the personality conflicts that have come 

Long and short, I don't think FIG or PHP are better off without his 
involvement.  I do think a cooling off period and a willingness to make 
small changes would help things.

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