Thanks Larry, but as stated I will be taking the the Secretary topic to a 
new thread. It should not be here.

As for your post answering my concerns, it did not. Your post assumes that 
a given PSR would only affect a limited number of member projects, and 
therefore they would all likely be a part of the process. While this 
scenario may apply to some of the current PSR's on the deck now, it will 
likely not always be the case.

Again, I was not saying that a member vote would carry HUGE amounts of 
weight on a given PSR vote. I would envision that a member vote would help 
alert member projects about the completion of PSRs that may affect them, 
and allow them to have some limited input prior to it going final. Isn't 
that a portion of why we are all members of the group to begin with?

Otherwise we could easily enter a situation where member projects would not 
be aware of something they should be concerned about until it is too late. 
However, as a member of the interoperability group it would be somewhat 
expected for them to comply by the outside community.

Adam Culp, IBMiToolkit

On Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 6:58:16 PM UTC-4, Larry Garfield wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2016 5:28 PM, Christopher Pitt < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> secretaries taking an active role in a discussion threads, versus 
> aiding members in understanding content
> >
> >
> > I don't understand the difference. Unless by "aiding members in 
> understanding" you mean not speaking. Then I understand the difference. :)
> Michael has stated a few times that on FIG 3, he's speaking as the 
> co-author, not Secretary, just as I'm speaking as co-author, not Drupal 
> rep. Taking an advocacy position is therefore entirely appropriate and to 
> be expected.
> Adam, did my earlier message address your concerns?
> --Larry Garfield

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