We've used local director in the past, as well as the 'f5' product
(big IP? - I forgot the company name).  Maybe it's 'big ip' from f5.
Shows you how much we think about it - it just does it's job.

As others pointed out, you can go with a software version under
Linux, and I think W2k enterprise has some type of load balancer
available for it too.  All a load balancer will do is route requests to
different web servers - what the web servers do with the requests
(run ASP, PHP, Perl, CF, etc.) is entirely irrelevant to the
load balancing situation.

The 'enterprise' issue with respect to PHP is a bit of a red herring, IMO.
VBScript doesn't do load balancing, and that never stopped anyone
from deploying ASP pages...

Good luck.  :)

Erick Papadakis wrote:

> hello people
> this might be a very silly question, but folks in my
> company have now started asking some enterprise
> questions like "sure, we'll do php but how about load
> balancing?" i have a feeling that this can be achieved
> with some caching on apache? how can i achieve this?
> thanks/erick

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