> We used LocalDirector for awhile, with it's 'sticky bit' functionality,
> and it basically didn't work with AOL.  I just looked at the
> coyote product and they claim it works with 'large ISP' proxies - maybe a
> veiled
> reference to AOL directly (why not just say AOL?).

from my testing, the "EQUALIZER" (I kind of like how obnoxious the name is,
actually :) does in fact work with AOL.

> Do you have any more info on HOW they do this?  The
> only thing I can think of is that they code it recognize particular IP blocks
> known to be proxies for AOL/mindspring/etc and route ALL traffic from these to
> a
> particular box, which doesn't seem terribly balanced.  OR... they drop a
> separate
> 'cookie' or similar header data piece between the server and the client and
> track
> that.

The installation I tested is not large, though, and I did not hit it with
more than one client.. in the case of the particular site, it doesn't
matter... but I would be interested to know that.

> Either way, it seems a bit expensive, although cheaper than LD, last time I
> checked.

Yeah, Cisco r' bastards :)

At _least_ for the money, their stuff does actually work most of the time.

> Personally, we do the 'stateless' model with session data in a database -
> works
> fine.  Your coyote solution is still stateless, but the session data is kept
> local
> to the webserver.

Yeah, we might end up writing a session handler for binarycloud, probably
"switchable" so you can store sessions on the machine re: php.ini, or pipe
'em to your DB.

> Problem I see with that is that if you need to take a particular machine
> offline,
> hundreds of people could lose their session data.  Same can be said of taking
> the
> database offline, but taking a db offline will probably affect the whole site
> anyway.  Part of the benefit of an intelligent load balancer is that you can
> remove/take down machines for maintenance/upgrades without worrying about the
> impact on the visitors.
> Am I missing something?

Nope, not a thing.

That is a consequence of the stateless-but-not-quite model. In my case, it's
fine. In other cases, it certainly is not :)


> Alex Black wrote:
>> what?
>> you use an utterly completely stateless model?
>> craziness!
>> so you set cookies, and store the sig in the db?
>> agh! :)
>> I'm using this box from "coyote systems" called, wait for it:
>> which is a really obnoxious name, but it sticks clients with a particular
>> server intelligently, so we can be ever-so-slightly-lazy about that.
>> do you _like_ that system? (that isn't a challenge, it's real interest)
>> _a
>> --
>> Alex Black, Head Monkey
>> The Turing Studio, Inc.
>> http://www.turingstudio.com
>> vox+510.666.0074
>> fax+510.666.0093
>> Saul Zaentz Film Center
>> 2600 Tenth St Suite 433
>> Berkeley, CA 94710-2522

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