"Mark Maggelet" ...
> I think you missed something:
> <?
> while (fetch_row_from_query()){
>    $output = data_from_fetched_row();
>    $more_output = more_data_from_fetched_row();?>
>    <TR>
>       <TD><?echo $output?></TD>
>       <TD><?echo $more_output?></TD>
>    </TR>
> <?}?>
> </TABLE>

> tell me that's not easier on your eyes :)

Yes, but i wrote that because the way i learned PHP...

As i learnt from the manual, i thought that a while() loop could have 2
different sintax:


while($something): ?>

some html goes here

<? endwhile;

And i tought that the embedded html has to be just embedded html, and that i
had to put ?> <? that way... (i finnaly used the { } way)

But now, i see that PHP is much more flexible than i tought... <? and ?>
just "turn on and off" PHP parsing & executing, something outside <? ?> can
be thought as just echoed... <? ?> quotes have nothing to do with loop
sintax as they are just ignored...

I've really caught the idea of how <? ?> works with loops.

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