the horse is back from the dead!

I can't resist:

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Iván Sánchez Ortega \"MR\"")
> Newsgroups: php.general
> Date: 13 Jan 2001 14:17:35 -0800
> Subject: Re: [PHP] mixing HTML and PHP code
> "Alex Black" ...
>>> <?
>>> connect_to_database();
>>> parse_query();
>>> execute_query();
>>> echo "<TABLE>";
>>> while (fetch_row_from_query())
>>> {
>>> $output = data_from_fetched_row();
>>> $more_output = more_data_from_fetched_row();
>>> echo "<TR><TD> $output </TD><TD> $more_output </TD></TR>";
>>> }
>>> echo "</TABLE>";
>>> ?>
>> Well, this may be a bit specific, but that is probably part of your
> problem.
>> You have no structure associated with your application design:
>> what are you doing making a connection to a database on the same page you
>> spit out the results from?
> Nonononono... that was just an example. My real code looks more like this
> example:
> -------------
> <?
> include "common_head.php";
> echo "<SPAN CLASS='title'>Welcome to blah blah section</SPAN>";
> echo "<TABLE><TR><TD>Name</TD><TD>Email</TD></TR>";
> $query=ociparse($conection,"select name,email from people where blah blah
> blah");
> ociexecute($query);
> while (ocifetch($query))
> {
> $name=ociresult($query,"NAME");
> $email=ociresult($query,"EMAIL");
> echo "<TR><TD>$name</TD><TD>$email</TD></TR>";
> }
> ocifreecursor($query);   // optional
> include "common_footer.php";
> ?>
> --------------
> In common_head.php i have the conect-to-database functions, and because the
> way include() works, i can happily use $connection in the main code. It also
> makes a login&password comprobation, getting data from cookies and the
> stuff.
> common_head.php also has a main component: the UPPER WEB DESIGN. That means
> that the upper logo, left-side menus, CSS links, common javascript code and
> stuff is also stored there.
> common_footer just has the bottom part of the design - bottom common links,
> and lots of well measured </TABLE> closings.
> The trick is tell the web designer to work the main common design in
> dreamweaver or so, then pick the HTML code, and separate it in "upper" and
> "bottom"... in the middle of that you have the space to put whatever you are
> spitting out from the DB.
> And aside from that, i don't have a one and only common_head.php ... i have
> a separate plain common head, in plain HTML... the real common_head.php
> should look like (definitively not real PHP sintax):

right, and though this is not directly related to templating:

I thik you would benefit greatly by introducing some system design (i.e.
separate "layers" doing separate tasks)

I don't like to do database connections when I've already output markup,
what if something goes wrong, or I want to do a redirect, etc?

I like to access functions in "DB Object" files - those functions return
results in arrays which I can pass into markup.

Makes the code a _helluvuh_ lot more maintainable.

> ------------
> <?
> connect_to_database();
> do_cookie_stuff();       // First of spitting any HTML,
> // you get from cookies, make comprobations,
> // and re-store cookies or whatever...
> // This do_cookie_stuff can be a little hard.
> include "plain_html_head.php";
> ?>
> ----------------
> That way, your dreamweaver expert can design the main design (better with
> some stupid test text in the place of the spitted-out-from-database-data),
> and you as PHPer only have to cut out the HTML code (not a really hard work)
> into two parts.
> As i see, it can work perfectly this way.
> How you format the spitted data and stuff is another matter.... but anyway,
> getting the code that dreamweaver generates and implementing it shouldn't be
> a real hard task.

True, but why not just bitch at macromedia until they include support for
PHP in ultradev?

(plegh, visual authoring tools: a necessary evil)



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