"Alex Black" ...
> >> the horse is back from the dead!
> >
> >huh?
> inside joke.


> > > I don't like to do database connections when I've already output
> > > what if something goes wrong, or I want to do a redirect, etc?
> >
> > If something goes wrong -> It's the DBA fault. :-)
> hehe
> in a production encironment: agh!

But if you're a freelancer and the DBA works for the web-hosting enterprise,
it can be very funny!

> > I'm pretty comfortable programming directly with OCIwhatever() functions
> > directly in the main code, that's it.
> ok, go ahead. that in my opinion is not the way to go, especially for
> portability and reuse of code... it's also the quick route to hair-pulling
> if you QA your code...

portability to other platform = search-replace OCIwhatever to mysqlwhatever.
reuse of code = copy-paste-modify


You don't know what hellish programming gadgets i had to invent in order to
make some places of "my" website to work...

> > In other words, i don't need to make my code more maintainable because
> > comfortable with maintaining it right now.
> well, then why bother arguing the point?


> my opinion only matters if you care about it?

Only matters to who??

> otherwise I'm just babbling. (ohh I see some responses to this one)

C'mon, people, reply to this one and make Alex happy!!!

> >> True, but why not just bitch at macromedia until they include support
> >> PHP in ultradev?
> >
> > (Well, i haven't purchased dreamweaver either)
> good, that means you're not using any diabolical visual tools :)

Well, you can always call M$ windoze a "diabolical visual OS" :-)

> >> (plegh, visual authoring tools: a necessary evil)
> >
> > Why, when you have notepad.exe and a couple of browsers to test that the
> > pages work properly?
> whoa, dude.

Yeah. Since i learnt pure HTML code, and having seen what a *clean* code
generates M$ frontpage, i decided not to work with *any* visual web page

Perhaps i'm extrapolating, but i did it it way, and now it could be hard for
me to change.

> that's scary. but do whatever you want!

Well, it's my style right now, and that way i'm going well. Perhaps i'll
change with time, but...

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