I'm sure it could be done, just with a bit of planning.

The notion of passing in sql results is not foreign - we do it
sometimes to our own 'templates', but our templates are generally
just HTML with a bit of PHP in there, whereas the initial PHP page
is PHP with a tiny bit of HTML.  If there's a large result set that needs
parsing through, we'll normally do it in the PHP code, and write the results out to
a variable, substituted in the 'template'.  You could instead have a 'template
system' or php itself loop through that in the 'template' itself - whichever makes
more sense to the end coders.

I'd THINK you could do what you wanted with an array

$sql = one row of SQL results, in a has.

Passing $sql to the template, you could then have

Pulling stuff from the database drivers into an associate array would do this -
is this what you're talking about?

andrew wrote:

> Sure,
> My understanding of templating engines
>     1.array or item is assigned to a variable
>     2.php placeholders in a html page match in name to above variable.
>     3.a parser separate from php subsitutes the variable values set in (1)
> into (2)
> I've seen plenty of examples where there is a file containing lists of
> variable to item assignment, and thase files are passed to a one of a few
> template pages for layout.
> There must be a way to pass the result set of an SQL query into the set of
> placeholders - the end result would be that you could call whole sites via
> simple queries. All you have to pass in would be the SQL parameter.
> i.e. Table named 'Pvalues'
> Pvalues                 Sample Row
> ----                    ------
> page_id                 contactus.html
> page_name               Contact Us
> page_title              Contact US
> header_text             Please send an email
> body_text               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> footer_text             thanks!
> You can even generate a list of links dynamically for nav bar via:
> "select page_name, page_id from Pvalues", if you account for performance
> issues.
> If the usre clicks on the "contact us" link, it returns a page_id value of
> contactus.html.  So then:
> "select * from Pvalues where page_id = "contactus.html"
> Then call a templating parser and pass it the values of the select statement
> and which template to use.
> Can this be done, or I am way off base on this?
> regards,
> andrew

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