Not too similar to the caching issue of template output -
I maybe missing something, but at least in our case, *every* page
made with templates has custom info re: the client (name, etc) which
can't, imo, be cached, unless we started caching multiple bits of the templates
then assembling them - potentially lots more disk access than we'd want.

We *do* cache query results for queries that we know will have
similar results for a long time ('customers not on credit hold' for example -
for one client in particular the results of this query would only change daily, as
they only updated 'credit hold' info daily, so we cache this for a few hours, saving
db hits).

andrew wrote:

> Yup, I believe so - I've been wrestling with this idea for a while and
> trying to figure out how to integrate it into the parser explained in a
> PHPBuilder Article on Cached Modules:
> In the above, I think the point is to create little block templates on a
> page, that can essentially return html.  Now, the article mostly covers how
> to cache this for peformance reasons, but integrating FastTemplates with it
> in the manner below makes sense.
> Are you doing something similar?
> regards,
> andrew

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