Actually, I understand what he's trying to say, even if I don't agree with
him. The main problem people have had with load balancing is sessions.  If a
particular scripting language *cough*ASP stores session information in
memory then the load balancing system has to always send the session from a
given user to the same server. (during that session)

IMHO, the easiest way to do this (without writing your own session handling
scheme and then telling people about it but not divulging details!)  ;) is
to store the session info in a database.  Using a central database for all
sessions, any server can get to the session info for any user.

I've just finished leading a team on a large scale JSP application.  While
it is slower to develop in (Java has a high learning curve, IMHO) The
servlet engine we are using, JRun is fairly fast.  Our bottle neck right now
seems to be a poorly tuned Oracle database.

My $0.02,

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Black [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP vs JSP,12249,2646052,00.html


"Also, any organization doing clustering or failover with PHP is in largely
uncharted waters. "

what _bull_!

what does loadbalancing and clustering have to do with any scripting
language? this guy is obviously one of those dilettantes that things CFML is
the holy grail :P

anyway, that article is wrong, _except_ the part about JSP:
-extremely time consuming
-friggin annoying :)

I've worked on a couple of projects with JSP, and decided to use PHP to
build binarycloud. 'nuff said :)


Alex Black, Head Monkey

The Turing Studio, Inc.


Saul Zaentz Film Center
2600 Tenth St Suite 433
Berkeley, CA 94710-2522

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donald Goodwill)
> Newsgroups: php.general
> Date: 14 Jan 2001 15:13:12 -0800
> Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP vs JSP
> There is an interesting ZD Net comparison of several
> scripting languages at
> Some time ago I did the comparison of JSP to PHP and
> JSP turned out to be much, much slower.
> Now I'm just learning CodeCharge generator and so far
> it seems really helpful. I even started redoing one
> project from scratch using it. Maybe surprise your
> client and create both PHP and JSP versions...
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 7:35 PM
> Subject: [PHP] PHP vs JSP
>> Hi all
>> I'm busy working on a contract .. and we need to do
> some web based
> stuff
> .. but the client is intent on using jsp and not PHP.
>> Is there somewhere where I can get good comparists
> between the two
> pro and
> cons etc etc ..
>> I would much rather use PHP  then JSP for the
> development
>> Thanks
>> Henti Smith
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