Not really a JSP/PHP issue, but you mention that there's another developer.
Are you in a bidding war with this person?  If you're vying for business,
don't get into putting JSP down, not out of hand anyway.  Simply state
the benefits that PHP has to offer.  Our machines may be weird, but we've
found that PHP running against servlets (on enhydra) - PHP generally
runs faster.  This all depends on the JVM underneath of course, and I don't
remember which ones we tested.  JSP seems to run even slower, though we
didn't do scientific testing.  :)  This doesn't mean JSP is bad, but that for
performance, you may need more expensive hardware, which affects a
project's bottom line.

Assumption is that this would be a dedicated server - I don't know of too many
hosting companies that offer JSP service (sure they exist someplace tho).
Compare compilation time of JSP pages vs. the compilation time of PHP4 through
the APC.  There doesn't seem to be any time at all with APC, yet with JSP there
is/was a noticeable compilation lag on the first execution of a page - I've been
told there are faster compilers, but we were using "standard" stuff.  (getting
my head here, but I've *seen* the development effects of servlets, and JSP
gets compiled into servlets, so there's even an extra step there).

Again, if you're bidding, you'll lose if you just say 'JSP sucks'.  There was
an zdnet article a few weeks ago - JSP/ASP/CF/PHP.  PHP was the
fastest, JSP the slowest.

Good luck - contact me offlist if you want to discuss this further.


> Hi,
> Just wondering if anyone knows of any links to information relating to PHP vs
> JSP where PHP is my language of choice and another developer is recommending
> JSP but I know nothing about JSP to help me convince the buyer that PHP is a
> better choice.
> A question that was raised is that PHP cannot be integrated with C++ for
> large functions etc.
> My response was that I haven`t found a function that PHP cannot handle
> therefor integration was not a requirement
> Anyone else have any valid upside or downsides to the languages which could
> help
> Thanks
> Ade
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