On Sunday 04 February 2001 23:18, Robert Covell wrote:
> I understand your concerns, but with this type of logic this mailing
> list not not be around.  Niether would Linux, Apache, MySql or anyother
> open source tool that so many people utilize today.  We would all be on
> NT instead of Linux and using IIS with ASP instead of PHP.  Do think
> Ramsus when he started out on PHP/FI was thinking I am only one person
> I shouldn't even try to make it because the big guys are more reliable.

That's comparing apples to oranges. If all of Rasmus's computers fail 
while he's on holiday for 3 weeks, who cares? (Sorry Rasmus :)
If some machine at a hosting company shows glitches while the only admin 
is sick, things will be very bad for the hosted people/companies.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

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discoveries, is not "Eureka", but "That's funny..."

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