In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> > > Also, how would I set the (previously GET) vars up as session
> > > variables?  I'd have to post to yet another script which
> > > would set the session variables and in turn SUBMIT (with just
> > > the SESSID this time) to the actual page (remember, I can no
> > > longer use any GET variables so the header() function would
> > > be out) that is the final destination...
> >   
> > Just include the SID as a hidden input.  It'll be POSTED to the next page 
> > right along with your other variables.  There's even a way to configure 
> > your php.ini file so that PHP includes the hidden SID for you.  I forget 
> > which setting it is--maybe "trans-id" or something like that...?  Poke 
> > around in the the "configuration" chapter of the manual; it's in there.
> That won't work.  Clicking on a link does not trigger sending of fields
> (hidden or not).
> There are only three places you can pass data without using forms, and
> using buttons, or images to trigger a POST of the data.

Did you read his previous comments?  He *is planning to pass the info in a 
form, one for each link...


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