On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 11:22:55AM +0100, Matthieu Le Corre wrote:
> i don't use SASL
> so when i use ldapsearch without -x 
> I get "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Unknown authentication method"
> but it doesnt crash !

Okay, the other guy had a crash there. For me it works without -x and
I don't use SASL either.

> when i use php ldap functions with ssl 
> php doesn't crash but juste an Apache child crash !
> so you think that if i compile openldap without SASL i will work ?
> i 'm really not sure because it's not that it doesn't work it's just crash ;(

The Apache child probably crashes because of segfault or something in the
LDAP code, but there could be other reasons. In theory you should get the
same behavior with ldapsearch as from PHP.

I'm not sure of anything, but what I would have done to debug it, is to
use gdb either on the Apache process or on a stand-alone PHP. I prefer
debugging with a stand-alon binary myself. Then run PHP with your script
and see what happens. If you get a seg-fault or other crash, you can try
to use gdb as I explained with ldapsearch to see where PHP crashes.
Compiling PHP stand-alone is easy, do configure with just --with-ldap.
You don't have to install it either, just run the resulting php binary.
If it says something abous sasl where it crashes, I would try to compile
OpenLDAP without SASL and then link PHP with the resulting libraries.

If you try gdb on the PHP binary and get some message not related to sasl,
or have problems using gdb, let me know.


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                -- Carl Zwanzig

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