>> But how you know, if you have a few tausends of php code lines, which
>> have some sloppy code. Nobody is perfect. In my opinion you should turn
>> register_globals to off  if it's possible. It's much more secure.

>Rouvas Stathis wrote:
>I strongly disagree with that.
>Consider the following code (assuming $foo is 'external' variable):

>1: if ($foo=='yes') transfer_money_to_me();

>2: if ($_GET['foo']=='yes']) transfer_money_to_me();

>Why (2) is safer than (1)? Answer: It is *not*.

As I wrote before, I dont talking about a 3 liner, but if some developers
work on a huge project. There is no reason why dont make use of the _GET[]
_POST[] ....... arrays and switch this register_globals to OFF

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