On 11 Mar 2001 10:57:32 -0800, Michael Geier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>So don't refrain from doing it because some people say it shouldn't be done
>for one reason or another.  Simply fix those reasons so they don't know any

I'll second this - while I personally consider HTML email a waste of time[1], a
lot of people like it and it does open up some nice possibilities. The key is
remembering that if you're going to do it, you need to do it right - sending
the proper multi-part mime headers, providing alternatives for people who can't
use HTML[2] and generally just being polite. When presenting this to managers
and/or clients, point out that this maximizes the number of people who can read
their messages - they should grasp the whole "block potential customers = fewer
sales" concept quickly.

[1] For reasons having more to do with security and the crimes against good
design committed by a few; an email client which gave the user the kind of
control a browser like Opera does would be a lot more tolerable.
[2] It's not those of us using text-based email clients, either. Think of
wireless device users or people working at large corps which installed software
to disable anything remotely dynamic in incoming emails.

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