Gerard Samuel wrote:

A client-supplied value isn't going to be too useful - it can be spoofed, or
may not be present. (I believe a Windows browser would set the mime-type
based purely on the file extension, though I haven't tested this myself).

Then my apologies. I thought php determined the file type on upload, and not rely on user input as your're saying.
Makes me rethink some of my own code :)

Looking for opinions. Can a spoofed uploaded file hurt a script or a webserver??
Reason why Im asking is because, I looked over the magic.mime file on my server, and I see that it
doesn't support flash files (I may be wrong), of which I currently allow flash files to be uploaded.
So who knows what else it may not support.
I guess, can it really be bad for your script, your server, and/or your health??

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