On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 00:24:03 -0400, you wrote:

>Looking for opinions.  Can a spoofed uploaded file hurt a script or a 
>Reason why Im asking is because, I looked over the magic.mime file on my 
>server, and I see that it
>doesn't support flash files (I may be wrong), of which I currently allow 
>flash files to be uploaded.
>So who knows what else it may not support.
>I guess, can it really be bad for your script, your server, and/or your 

The following is just uninformed opinion, as I haven't sat down and tested
any of this, or even thought about it to any great degree. I'd welcome
anyone telling me where I'm wrong.

I wouldn't want user-created data to end up under the webroot. I'd always be
worrying about, say, someone uploading a file that used SSI to sneak the
database password file out of the server, or something. And even if I
plugged that hole, there might be another, and another... rather than plug
individual holes, I'd want to avoid that entire class of problems.

The best approach, IMO, is to keep such uploaded files outside the webroot,
and call them via a PHP script. Something like


with the resource directory either waaaay over there, or (my preference)
replaced by a database table. The show-resource.php script just has to set
the correct mime type header and stream out the contents of the file.

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