Haseeb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is a very strange problem. i don't know where i am doing something that
> is causing this. the problem is that i am working on a web portal  entirely
> in  php. i have a few hidden pages. that do the queries to the DB. now when
> i redirect to any page for query i get this error
> CGI Error
> The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
> HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
> strangely  when i hit F5 or refresh the page i get redirected to the desired
> page. i have checked for any whitespaces. there are none. i have checked and
> double checked this. i am using win2k,IIS, php 4.3.0

Have you checked your log file, usually there is an error in the log
file telling you what went wrong.

> again i have checked all the files for any space left that could be causing
> problem but i found none.

This usually happens when non http headers are sent to the server when
it wasnt expecting them, php should be handling this. But to check this
make sure you try sending out a header('Content-Type: text/plain') first
thing in the script then dont do a redirect and see if some text is
showing up that shouldn't be.

> i hope i make my self clear.
> Haseeb


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