Did you copy the php library over?

And second.. are you actually going directly to the php script OR..  is it
named index.php and you are only going to the directory?


On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Luis wrote:

>  Hello all I new to the php . I was wondering
> if anyone could help me out with a little problem
> that I'm having. I download the new version of
> php. I installed mysql , apache (new version) and
> php.
> What i'm having trouble is setting it up.
> I found a link how to set up php, mysql and
> apache. I everthing on the page, but when it comes
> down to editing the httpd.conf file I get lost.
> I added the two things it tells me to do.
> 17. Edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf file and add:
>                                 For PHP 3:
> AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
>                                 For PHP 4:
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> I then stop the apache server and restart it. I
> have  a  folder that has php file . when i try to
> bring this up i get
> this error message.
> "The page cannot be displayed. "
> I checked the folder and the permissions .
> everything looks fine. so can someone tell me what
> i'm doing wrong.
> Thank you .....
> Luis

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