* Thus wrote Andu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Is it just me getting some messages 3 times?
> I also noticed that there is no Reply-To in the headers so every time I 
> want to reply to the list I have to copy/paste the list's address, clicking 
> the Reply button would send my message to the poster, not the list.
> I guess others are having the same problem for which reason they "reply to 
> all" or cc to the list, all of us ending up with a couple copies of the 
> message.
> Is this something that can be fixed?

I've been noticing this too, everytime someone replies to the list I get
an extra copy of the mail. It seems that most people are just doing a
reply to all type follow-up. 

I've actually been considering adding a reply-to: php-general to my
outbound mail on this list, but have hesitated doing so.

I dont have that problem cause mutt recoginzes that I'm replying to the
mailing list and replies directly to the list instead of the user. It
would be nice if a solution could be made on this, i'm getting needless
mail in my mailbox.

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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